Mandate of GPW​​

GPW Strategy, Policy and Direction

The GPW strives to make a significant contribution to the National Government outcomes and to the goals of the National Development Plan. The organisation therefore contributes to the following outcomes:

  • To create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and the World.
  • Efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship.
  • Decent employment through inclusive economic growth
  • A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path.

The GPW’s vision is to remain relevant as a security printer by developing the human capacity and systems required to gradually transition into a digital environment. GPW will need to invest in its own security systems, technology, facilities, and human capital to support the government-wide vision of integrating fragmented and outdated technology infrastructure with high security modernised ICT systems.

The fourth industrial revolution’s impact includes the rapid growth of digital economies and e-government, as well as the replacement of paper with other media and platforms such as mobile phones, tablets, and e-readers. Artificial intelligence enables rapid access to information on a scale and scope previously unimaginable.

DescriptionGoal Statement
Strategic Outcome
Oriented Goal 1
Reposition the GPW business processesReposition the GPW business processes to ensure stability, sustainability and viability of the organization as a critical national security facility
Strategic Outcome
Oriented Goal 2
Optimise processes and facilitiesOptimize processes and facilities to increase operational effectiveness and improved customer service
Strategic Outcome
Oriented Goal 3
People management and developmentRecruit, develop and retain effective and efficient human capital

The Ministers of Finance, Home Affairs and Public Service and Administration approved the business case and GPW was established as a Government Component on 9th October 2009 (Government Gazette 32616). The GPW, as a Government Component, provides security printing services to the government.

– Legislative Mandates

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